Combat eating out when trying to reach your goals

by Heather James — on  ,  ,  , 


Eating out is a very often occurrence especially on the weekend. When we are on a mission to lose weight this can be a huge block to our social lives especially if you say no to outings that you think will take you off track.
You can actually dine out successfully and keep your social life running whilst still hitting your goals if you follow a few simple rules you can have it all.

Know the menu before you go.

Places are usually booked in advance so use this as an advantage. Check out the menu online to Choose your meal before you get there and stick to your decision. Choose grilled items, salads and vegetable sides.

Picture of a plate of salmon

Be the 1st to order your meal.

You have come prepared you know what you want, so get in and order 1st before you are tempted for your mate’s meal of choice.

Ask questions about your chosen meal.

The server should have good knowledge about the dishes on the menu for you to rack their brains, or if not they can go ask the chefs. Some good questions to ask are:

  • How is the dish prepared?
  • Can it be modified?
  • Do you have any low-fat or low-calorie options?
  • How large are the portions?
  • Do you do half size portions?
  • Can I make substitutions?

Picture of 2 plates of fried food

Don’t be afraid to make special requests. For example, ask that foods be served with minimal butter, margarine or oil. The chef should be able to accommodate your needs. A common substitution is swapping your fries for a side of vegetables or salad

Don’t be seduced by words and photographs

Mouth-watering descriptions like “tender, juicy chicken breast” or “ripe heirloom tomatoes” are increasingly common on restaurant menus. Be extra aware of sensory terms like “velvety” mousse and nostalgic ones like “legendary” spaghetti and meatballs. Research shows that words that promote taste and texture or appeal to diners’ emotions can increase sales by 23%, and can even influence the way you think the food tastes.

Picture of dressings

Stay away from snacking.

The most damage often occurs before the actual meal begins: Entrees are loaded with fat. Besides that, they take away your appetite for the healthiest foods to come. Avoid them. Even the freebies like chips and salsa at Mexican restaurants or a basket of rolls and butter can pile up fat and calories that you don’t need. If you can’t exercise control, have your server remove the temptation.

Be salad savvy.

Ask your server to serve dressings on the side. By doing this you can add little bits as you go. This also gives you the option of taking the salad home at the end if you can’t finish it. Choose a green salad over a starchy salad. As potato, macaroni, and coleslaw salads are usually heavy in mayo, sugar, and calories.

Picture of a bowl of salad

Go low on sides.

Substitute high-calorie side dishes such as fries, bread, and pasta to low-fat options such as steamed vegetables, brown rice or fresh fruit.

Practice portion control.

Restaurants serve mountains of food about two to three times the quantity that we need in a meal, so they charge more. Consider Sharing a meal with a friend or ask for a doggie bag at the start of the meal. We only need to eat till we are about 80% full, not stuffed. Eating slowly will help you recognize cues that you are full.

By following these rules whilst eating out will help you achieve your goals without the restrictions! Thanks Heather