Why is mobility so important?

by Heather James — on  ,  , 


Being mobile is a crucial aspect of being healthy. If you are not able to move a joint freely through its full range of motion, then you are already putting yourself at an increased risk of injury before even attempting to pick up a weight and loading that exercise.

What’s the difference between mobility and flexibility?

The difference between mobility and flexibility is that with mobility you have control over the range of motion. Mobility is when you are able to control the entire range of motion of the leg with just the leg muscles: you don’t need assistance to lift the leg up. Where as Flexibility is you can lift your leg up high with the assistance of using your arms. Mobility is the strength in the muscle around the joints. It’s possible to have strength in your muscles in just small range of motions. That’s why strength alone isn’t enough: you need to train the entire range of motion to build mobility.​

Benefits of training in mobility.

Decreases chance of injury

This should be a given and is by far the most important. Any restrictions to a freely moving joint pose a possible risk of injury. There are some exceptions such as a basketball player having tight ankles to prevent constant sprains from changing directions, but overall a free joint is a happy joint.

Keeps joints healthy

When doing mobility exercises, the joint being targeted is commonly referred to as being “warmed up.” What is actually happening is that blood is being moved to the surrounding tissues and synovial fluid (fluid in our joints which helps them glide) is shuttled into the working joint. For example, fire hydrants or hip circles are aiming to warm up the hips. Blood is then transported to the muscles working to move the leg (hip flexors, glutes, external rotators) and synovial fluid hydrates the hip joint in preparation for exercise.

Become stronger

If our movement is restricted in a squat and we can only go down to just above parallel, how strong would the squat be through its full range of motion if we are not able to train the bottom fourth of the movement? Not very strong at all. This logic can be applied to every exercise as well. If our mobility is limiting a full range of motion, then we cannot strengthen all parts of the movement.

Time efficient

Like I said earlier, mobility exercises are quick, easy, and effective by design. A full upper body or lower body routine can be completed in 5-10 minutes making it optimal as a warm-up or cool down. Full body routines can be implemented on non-training days as well and should take no more than 15-20 minutes either.

All you need is you

In addition to being time efficient; mobility exercises are also very portable. Many can be down with just body weight movements, and the most you would ever need are some bands and a light bar or dumbbells. There really is no excuse to not stay on top of mobility work.

Mobility exercises to try at home.

Watch videos below for correct technique.

Wrist Mobility.

Start on all fours, and turn your hands so your finger tips are facing your knees. If this hurts at this point dont go any further in this just stretch in this position over time this will get easier. Lean forward and back puting pressure on your wrist do 8 repititions and 3 sets.


Hold onto a large stick in the video I’m using a garden stake. Keeping your arms straight, bring them up and over head umtil the stick hits your back. Starting out you may not get very far around thats ok do 8 repititions and 3 Sets everyday to gain full range of motion to your shoulders.


Facing a wall place your hands onto to wall, and place one leg in front and one behind for support. Place your foot close to the wall and bend your front knee towards the wall. The aim is to touch your knee to the wall without lifting your heel of the ground. If its too hard move closer to the wall, and alternatively if its too easy mover further back.


  1. Lying on your back on the floor bend your knees and place your feet flat on a wall. Whilst keeping your feet flat use your hands to open up your hips by putting pressure on your knees.

  2. Keeping your feet aligned with your knees, squeeze your bum and push yor hips forward to lift yourself of the floor.

Mobility video to try at home.