Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium is an extremely important nutrient that our bodies need to function properly. Nearly every function of our bodies requires magnesium, it’s a critical co-factor in more than 300 enzymatic reactions within your system, including the metabolism of food, synthesis...

Strengthening your wrists

Wrists aren’t necessarily high on the list of muscles that people like to “workout” most are more focused on their biceps, chest, abs, and so on. The forearms and wrists allow us to perform the exercises that develop and maximize...

Probiotics & Prebiotics

Probiotics & Prebiotics. Probiotics Are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes disease. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad....

Super Seeds

Seeds Seeds Seeds. Like nuts, seeds are a vital part of our diet. Seeds are high in fiber, vitamin E and monounsaturated fats that can help keep our heart healthy and our body disease free. Healthy seeds are also great...

Common Cooking Mistakes

Common Cooking Mistakes made whilst cooking at home! Are your choices in the kitchen reflecting your results? Cooking at home is great, a great place to be imaginative, and try new things. However you could be making the wrong choices...


Fibre When we start out changing our diet to a more, healthy diet it’s easy to overlook fibre. Fibre is super important in our diets as it keeps us regular. When it comes to losing weight a sound diet and...

Concussion & Contact Sports

Concussion & Contact Sports Concussion is a very hot topic in the news lately, especially after the film Concussion starring Will Smith came out. Also Last year Otago University ran a study about the connection between neck strength and concussion....


Dealing with failures and disappointments in our everyday life can be hard enough but then having to deal with them in the gym too, can really set us back when trying to reach our goals. Instead of trying to avoid...

Meal & Exercise Tracking

The main reason I recommend to track and record your meals and exercise is because if you want to improve in something, you need to track you progress and behaviors this is known as “self-monitoring” The process of tracking and...

Superhero Workouts

Superhero Workouts Superhero movies are all the rage at the moment, with many a blog, magazine or newspaper article written every time we learn a new actor will be taking on a superhero role. The physical transformations actors go through...